Compliance - Dipsec
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  • Location: Zandbergerstraat 36, 3680 Neeroeteren, Belgium

Compliance - Dipsec


Determining the best framework to adopt depends on many factors and should fit your organization's unique security needs and internal business objectives. You may have a compliance requirement to address or responding to the results of a risk analysis. Each framework has pros and cons. Depending on the situation, we identify one or a hybrid framework to implement for you. We align with your business strategy, adopt a stepwise approach and it’s got to fit with existing systems and processes… integration mindset and effective communication with business owners is a key to success. Welcome to the mix!

PCI DSS is an industry-specific framework required for anyone accepting payment cards. Think about all that plastic in your wallet, it is covered by the PCI framework. It is designed to protect customer credit card information and to reduce fraud.

ISO 27001 is a globally recognized and comprehensive framework that covers all security controls. With ISO 27001 ISMS certification, you are positioned to win new businesses, enter new markets, grow your organisation, safeguard your organisation's brand, and protect your assets and the interests of all the stakes involved.

Centre of internet security critical security controls is our reliable go-to resource to design adequate security controls and enhance the cybersecurity landscape of our many customers.

NIST is a comprehensive set of controls for US Federal Agencies and companies that do business with them. We have enhanced our capabilities to reflect the recent adoption of the cybersecurity maturity model certification, CMMC so that contractors processing, storing, transmitting, and receiving controlled unclassified information from the USA are better equipped.

ISACA / control objectives for information and related technologies, COBIT, is what we use widely for information technology management and IT governance.

The General Data Protection Regulation covers the data privacy of all EU citizens. Processing, storage, and transfer of data of an EU citizen falls under this regulation. You are entitled to your privacy and DIPSec in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation will preserve this right for you and protect your personal data.

Service organisation control, SOC, is one of tour solutions to assess vendor’s systems, to determine whether their design is suitable to meet relevant trust principles. We are there to support in assessing and designing the operational effectiveness of the systems to meet the SOC Type II audit.